Sakartvelos Sasjelaghsrulebisa Da Probatsiis Saministro
class="gსატენდერო მონიტორი საზოგადოებისთვის ქმნის საქართველოში სამთავრობო დანახარჯების შესახებ წარმოდგენის შექმნის შესაძლებლობას, რისთვისაც ახდენს სახელმწიფო შესყიდვების დეტალური ინფორმაციის შემუშავებას. სატენდეროeneral-button-blue" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#donationsCollapseWrapper" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"> პოლიტიკური შემოწირულობების ნახვა
შემდგარი ტენდერების საერთო სავარაუდო ღირებულება : | ¢ 52,387,323 |
შემდგარი ტენდერების საერთო ფაქტობრივი ღირებულება : | ¢ 43,398,390.50 |
დანაზოგი: | 17.16 % |
მონაწილეთა საშუალო რაოდენობა შემდგარ ტენდერებში | 2.02 |
Average length of tender : | 13.79 days |
4717 Simplified Procurement | |
Total Value Of Contracts : | ¢ 43,440,246.16 |
117 კონსოლიდირებული შესყიდვა | |
Total Value Of Contracts : | ¢ 9,337,517.37 |

Tender | Status | Supplier | Announcment Date | ვალუტა | Estimated Value | ვალუტა | Contract Value | შესყიდვის საგანი | Risk Indicator |
NAT180010615 | Failed | - | 11.07.2018 | ¢ | 3,600 | ¢ | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products | ||
NAT180010610 | Failed | - | 11.07.2018 | ¢ | 1,460 | ¢ | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | ||
NAT180009978 | Failed | - | 29.06.2018 | ¢ | 1,460 | ¢ | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | ||
NAT180009977 | Won | Ji-marsi | 29.06.2018 | ¢ | 55,000 | ¢ | 39,700 | 44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180009975 | Failed | - | 29.06.2018 | ¢ | 10,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა | |
GEO180000373 | In Progress | - | 20.06.2018 | ¢ | 53,750 | ¢ | 42500000 - Cooling and ventilation equipment | ||
NAT180009337 | Won | LTD Savachro Jgupi | 20.06.2018 | ¢ | 54,000 | ¢ | 47,880 | 39500000 - Textile articles | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180009166 | Won | Vi Di Ji Grupi | 18.06.2018 | ¢ | 4,000 | ¢ | 3,337 | 33700000 - Personal care products | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180009116 | Won | LTD Karpinter Grupi | 15.06.2018 | ¢ | 2,400 | ¢ | 2,250 | 44600000 - Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000328 | In Progress | - | 29.05.2018 | ¢ | 306,440 | ¢ | 34100000 - Motor vehicles | ||
SPA180004866 | Won | Human Diagnostik Jorjia | 21.05.2018 | ¢ | 29,880 | ¢ | 29,880 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დისკვალიფიცირება |
SPA180004865 | Won | LTD Mediniusi | 21.05.2018 | ¢ | 10,750 | ¢ | 6,340 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180007494 | Won | Domino | 15.05.2018 | ¢ | 7,000 | ¢ | 6,070 | 44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items | |
NAT180007234 | Won | LTD " Biolendi " | 10.05.2018 | ¢ | 25,800 | ¢ | 25,500 | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180007230 | Won | Roki | 10.05.2018 | ¢ | 10,300 | ¢ | 10,300 | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180007088 | Won | LTD Didgori | 08.05.2018 | ¢ | 148,700 | ¢ | 141,300 | 33700000 - Personal care products | |
SPA180004460 | Won | Human Diagnostik Jorjia | 04.05.2018 | ¢ | 45,000 | ¢ | 45,000 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA180004459 | Won | Human Diagnostik Jorjia | 04.05.2018 | ¢ | 20,000 | ¢ | 20,000 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000281 | In Progress | - | 04.05.2018 | ¢ | 1,299,992 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
NAT180006894 | Won | LTD Balto | 03.05.2018 | ¢ | 12,250 | ¢ | 12,076 | 85200000 - Veterinary services | დაბალი კონკურენცია დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180006394 | Won | ,,karpediemi" | 24.04.2018 | ¢ | 1,590 | ¢ | 1,574 | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs | დაბალი კონკურენცია დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180006393 | Won | Jeoono | 24.04.2018 | ¢ | 3,000 | ¢ | 3,000 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000249 | In Progress | - | 20.04.2018 | ¢ | 148,440 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO180000238 | Failed | - | 17.04.2018 | ¢ | 24,014 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
GEO180000237 | In Progress | - | 17.04.2018 | ¢ | 326,400 | ¢ | 48800000 - Information systems and servers | ||
NAT180005948 | Failed | - | 17.04.2018 | ¢ | 8,800 | ¢ | 85200000 - Veterinary services | ||
NAT180005941 | Won | LTD Led Nateba | 17.04.2018 | ¢ | 110,000 | ¢ | 93,000 | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180005767 | Failed | - | 13.04.2018 | ¢ | 3,000 | ¢ | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | ||
NAT180005638 | Won | LTD El-ss | 11.04.2018 | ¢ | 19,300 | ¢ | 19,000 | 31200000 - Electricity distribution and control apparatus | |
NAT180005616 | Won | LTD Alpa Agro | 11.04.2018 | ¢ | 3,375 | ¢ | 3,375 | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000208 | In Progress | - | 10.04.2018 | ¢ | 286,400 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
GEO180000206 | In Progress | - | 10.04.2018 | ¢ | 217,000 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
NAT180005491 | Won | LTD Savachro Jgupi | 05.04.2018 | ¢ | 23,000 | ¢ | 20,876 | 18400000 - Special clothing and accessories | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000200 | In Progress | - | 05.04.2018 | ¢ | 32,620 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT180005353 | Won | Jeoono | 03.04.2018 | ¢ | 7,000 | ¢ | 7,000 | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | დაბალი კონკურენცია შესყიდვის ღირებულების ცვლილება პოლიტიკური პარტიის შემომწირველე კომპანია |
NAT180005352 | Failed | - | 03.04.2018 | ¢ | 3,000 | ¢ | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | ||
NAT180005251 | Won | Gamomtsemloba Kolori | 02.04.2018 | ¢ | 70,000 | ¢ | 69,580 | 79800000 - Printing and related services | დაბალი კონკურენცია დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA180003486 | Failed | - | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 8,300 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | ||
SPA180003484 | Failed | - | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 19,300 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | ||
SPA180003481 | Won | Vestparm | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 3,800 | ¢ | 3,041 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | |
SPA180003478 | Failed | - | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 32,700 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA180003476 | Failed | - | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 43,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA180003473 | Won | LTD " Biolendi " | 30.03.2018 | ¢ | 20,200 | ¢ | 17,874 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე |
SPA180003340 | Won | Ss Gepa | 27.03.2018 | ¢ | 39,000 | ¢ | 39,000 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA180003339 | Won | Psp Parma | 27.03.2018 | ¢ | 122,700 | ¢ | 105,811.11 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია პოლიტიკური პარტიის შემომწირველე კომპანია |
NAT180004830 | Won | LTD Bleksi 2017 | 26.03.2018 | ¢ | 7,600 | ¢ | 6,600 | 33700000 - Personal care products | ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი |
NAT180004829 | Won | Karpediemi 2010 | 26.03.2018 | ¢ | 10,000 | ¢ | 8,795 | 39200000 - Furnishing | |
NAT180004825 | Won | LTD La Bela | 26.03.2018 | ¢ | 1,800 | ¢ | 1,710 | 39500000 - Textile articles | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180004802 | Failed | - | 23.03.2018 | ¢ | 27,000 | ¢ | 18400000 - Special clothing and accessories | ||
NAT180004800 | Won | LTD Arjevani | 23.03.2018 | ¢ | 6,700 | ¢ | 4,350 | 18100000 - Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180004799 | Failed | - | 23.03.2018 | ¢ | 1,390 | ¢ | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs | ||
NAT180004798 | Failed | - | 23.03.2018 | ¢ | 180,000 | ¢ | 33700000 - Personal care products | ||
GEO180000162 | Failed | - | 22.03.2018 | ¢ | 22,040 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT180004657 | Failed | - | 22.03.2018 | ¢ | 3,450 | ¢ | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds | ||
NAT180004373 | Won | LTD Kavkaspak | 16.03.2018 | ¢ | 3,800 | ¢ | 3,510 | 39200000 - Furnishing | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე |
NAT180004276 | Won | LTD Jeo Techi | 15.03.2018 | ¢ | 600 | ¢ | 600 | 42500000 - Cooling and ventilation equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000141 | In Progress | - | 15.03.2018 | ¢ | 175,000 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
GEO180000132 | In Progress | - | 13.03.2018 | ¢ | 100,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
GEO180000131 | In Progress | - | 13.03.2018 | ¢ | 217,772 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
GEO180000130 | In Progress | - | 13.03.2018 | ¢ | 628,684 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
GEO180000121 | In Progress | - | 12.03.2018 | ¢ | 32,620 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT180003895 | Won | LTD Giggrupi | 09.03.2018 | ¢ | 16,600 | ¢ | 15,940 | 33700000 - Personal care products | დაბალი კონკურენცია დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180003728 | Won | LTD Viva-jaluzi | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 16,000 | ¢ | 15,775 | 39500000 - Textile articles | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180003712 | Won | Aleksandre Berianidze | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 18,000 | ¢ | 14,995 | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs | დისკვალიფიცირება |
SPA180002614 | Won | Aversi-parma | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 9,700 | ¢ | 6,244.06 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA180002613 | Won | Psp Parma | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 23,300 | ¢ | 10,824.08 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დისკვალიფიცირება |
SPA180002612 | Failed | - | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 139,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA180002611 | Won | Psp Parma | 06.03.2018 | ¢ | 126,000 | ¢ | 124,623.02 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180003636 | Won | LTD Jeo Techi | 05.03.2018 | ¢ | 830 | ¢ | 830 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000098 | In Progress | - | 02.03.2018 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
NAT180003611 | Failed | - | 02.03.2018 | ¢ | 480,000 | ¢ | 18200000 - Outerwear | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა | |
NAT180003603 | Won | Silkneti | 02.03.2018 | ¢ | 920 | ¢ | 905 | 92200000 - Radio and television services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180003396 | Won | LTD Pavoriti Leibli | 28.02.2018 | ¢ | 3,800 | ¢ | 3,800 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery | ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი დაბალი კონკურენცია დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
GEO180000087 | In Progress | - | 27.02.2018 | ¢ | 478,939 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT180003291 | Won | LTD Hematologiisa Da Transpuziologiis Instituti | 27.02.2018 | ¢ | 10,400 | ¢ | 10,400 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180003211 | Won | LTD " Biolendi " | 26.02.2018 | ¢ | 18,300 | ¢ | 18,300 | 33700000 - Personal care products | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180003210 | Won | LTD " Biolendi " | 26.02.2018 | ¢ | 58,700 | ¢ | 58,694.70 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180003153 | Failed | - | 23.02.2018 | ¢ | 16,600 | ¢ | 33700000 - Personal care products | ||
GEO180000085 | Failed | - | 23.02.2018 | ¢ | 18,300 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT180003097 | Won | Prani | 22.02.2018 | ¢ | 810 | ¢ | 690 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180003062 | Won | Es Bi Es | 22.02.2018 | ¢ | 4,000 | ¢ | 4,000 | 32500000 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180003011 | Won | LTD Sansoniti | 21.02.2018 | ¢ | 777,000 | ¢ | 728,400 | 18200000 - Outerwear | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა დისკვალიფიცირება ავანსის გაცემა |
NAT180002974 | Failed | - | 21.02.2018 | ¢ | 6,000 | ¢ | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | ||
NAT180002973 | Won | Teknikuri Tsentri "gro" | 21.02.2018 | ¢ | 27,000 | ¢ | 27,000 | 50600000 - Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials | დაბალი კონკურენცია გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180002972 | Failed | - | 21.02.2018 | ¢ | 2,000 | ¢ | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | ||
NAT180002971 | Failed | - | 21.02.2018 | ¢ | 110,000 | ¢ | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | ||
NAT180002623 | Failed | - | 15.02.2018 | ¢ | 10,400 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | ||
NAT180002555 | Failed | - | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 830 | ¢ | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | ||
NAT180002554 | Failed | - | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 20,600 | ¢ | 31200000 - Electricity distribution and control apparatus | ||
NAT180002552 | Won | Sakkabeli | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 97,750 | ¢ | 89,300 | 31300000 - Insulated wire and cable | |
NAT180002541 | Won | LTD Aipiem Kvlevebi | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 7,000 | ¢ | 6,706.45 | 92400000 - News-agency services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180002540 | Won | Ruben Mtiulishvili | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 9,600 | ¢ | 9,600 | 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services | დაბალი კონკურენცია დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180002539 | Won | LTD Dokuteks Jorjia | 14.02.2018 | ¢ | 451,200 | ¢ | 433,440 | 18800000 - Footwear | დაბალი კონკურენცია გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა |
NAT180002480 | Failed | - | 13.02.2018 | ¢ | 4,000 | ¢ | 32500000 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies | ||
NAT180002461 | Won | LTD GS | 13.02.2018 | ¢ | 20,000 | ¢ | 16,488 | 39700000 - Domestic appliances | |
NAT180002070 | Won | Brili | 07.02.2018 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 29,350 | 44800000 - Paints, varnishes and mastics | |
NAT180002040 | Won | Giorgi Kandelaki - Vesta | 07.02.2018 | ¢ | 14,600 | ¢ | 8,998 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180002016 | Failed | - | 07.02.2018 | ¢ | 6,000 | ¢ | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | ||
NAT180002014 | Failed | - | 07.02.2018 | ¢ | 2,000 | ¢ | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | ||
GEO180000065 | In Progress | - | 06.02.2018 | ¢ | 826,523 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
NAT180001786 | Won | Prani | 02.02.2018 | ¢ | 6,240 | ¢ | 5,880 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180001754 | Won | LTD Kompania GEOSM | 02.02.2018 | ¢ | 31,700 | ¢ | 28,341 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery | დისკვალიფიცირება |
NAT180001753 | Won | Giorgi Kandelaki - Vesta | 02.02.2018 | ¢ | 39,700 | ¢ | 30,500 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT180001742 | Failed | - | 02.02.2018 | ¢ | 8,000 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | ||
GEO180000051 | In Progress | - | 31.01.2018 | ¢ | 23,504 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
NAT180001311 | Won | Vindlaip | 26.01.2018 | ¢ | 2,350 | ¢ | 2,222 | 37800000 - Handicraft and art supplies | |
NAT180001274 | Won | Akva-terra | 25.01.2018 | ¢ | 22,000 | ¢ | 22,000 | 15700000 - Animal feedstuffs | |
GEO180000041 | In Progress | - | 25.01.2018 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | ||
NAT180001230 | Won | LTD Modusi | 25.01.2018 | ¢ | 1,600 | ¢ | 1,522 | 39200000 - Furnishing | დისკვალიფიცირება |
SPA180000843 | Failed | - | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 73,700 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA180000841 | Won | Aversi-parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 122,400 | ¢ | 120,690 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA180000835 | Won | Psp Parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 117,700 | ¢ | 102,855.13 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA180000831 | Won | Psp Parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 59,500 | ¢ | 31,806.68 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA180000829 | Failed | - | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 180,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA180000826 | Won | Psp Parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 25,000 | ¢ | 15,535 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA180000823 | Won | Ss Gepa | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 18,000 | ¢ | 13,698.89 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA180000820 | Won | Psp Parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 45,700 | ¢ | 43,958 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA180000818 | Won | Aversi-parma | 22.01.2018 | ¢ | 153,000 | ¢ | 146,850 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | |
GEO180000020 | In Progress | - | 17.01.2018 | ¢ | 250,000 | ¢ | 71300000 - Engineering services | ||
NAT180000738 | Won | Rigiservisi | 16.01.2018 | ¢ | 35,000 | ¢ | 23,650 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT180000668 | Won | Vestparm | 15.01.2018 | ¢ | 67,300 | ¢ | 65,979 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | |
NAT180000667 | Failed | - | 15.01.2018 | ¢ | 20,000 | ¢ | 33700000 - Personal care products | ||
NAT180000536 | Won | Ekolaini | 12.01.2018 | ¢ | 10,000 | ¢ | 10,000 | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO180000009 | In Progress | - | 11.01.2018 | ¢ | 24,628 | ¢ | 32400000 - Networks | ||
NAT180000369 | Won | LTD Tbilisidentali | 10.01.2018 | ¢ | 80,000 | ¢ | 79,000 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | |
NAT180000148 | Won | Jeobiti | 05.01.2018 | ¢ | 20,000 | ¢ | 20,000 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა |
GEO180000006 | Failed | - | 05.01.2018 | ¢ | 500,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
NAT180000146 | Failed | - | 05.01.2018 | ¢ | 7,990 | ¢ | 92400000 - News-agency services | ||
GEO180000005 | Failed | - | 05.01.2018 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
NAT180000128 | Won | LTD Kursori | 05.01.2018 | ¢ | 8,800 | ¢ | 7,960 | 24900000 - Fine and various chemical products | |
NAT180000053 | Won | Akhali Ambebi | 04.01.2018 | ¢ | 9,460 | ¢ | 8,156.13 | 92400000 - News-agency services | დაბალი კონკურენცია გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა |
NAT170015583 | Won | Ss Sakartvelos Sadazghvevo Jgupi | 29.12.2017 | ¢ | 1,800,000 | ¢ | 1,760,730 | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ახალი დაფუძნებული კომპანია ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000756 | In Progress | - | 29.12.2017 | ¢ | 488,000 | ¢ | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | ||
NAT170015567 | Won | Ekspres Diagnostika | 29.12.2017 | ¢ | 40,500 | ¢ | 40,002 | 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170015313 | Won | LTD SKY GROUP | 26.12.2017 | ¢ | 3,000 | ¢ | 3,000 | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | |
NAT170015308 | Won | Lei Tek | 26.12.2017 | ¢ | 1,450 | ¢ | 1,345 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000740 | Failed | - | 22.12.2017 | ¢ | 500,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
GEO170000736 | In Progress | - | 21.12.2017 | ¢ | 10,620 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
NAT170015050 | Won | Magtikomi | 20.12.2017 | ¢ | 15,120 | ¢ | 14,688 | 92200000 - Radio and television services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170015049 | Won | Super Tv | 20.12.2017 | ¢ | 25,200 | ¢ | 25,200 | 92200000 - Radio and television services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170014907 | Won | Avtotrans Servisi | 18.12.2017 | ¢ | 263,500 | ¢ | 263,500 | 50100000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment | |
NAT170014905 | Won | LTD Goroziebi Rokhona | 18.12.2017 | ¢ | 189,000 | ¢ | 189,000 | 50100000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA170016209 | Failed | - | 15.12.2017 | ¢ | 131,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA170016208 | Failed | - | 15.12.2017 | ¢ | 16,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA170016207 | Failed | - | 15.12.2017 | ¢ | 131,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA170016204 | Won | Psp Parma | 15.12.2017 | ¢ | 169,000 | ¢ | 167,095.40 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA170016128 | Failed | - | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 17,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA170016123 | Won | Psp Parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 42,900 | ¢ | 39,622.89 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | |
SPA170016120 | Won | Psp Parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 53,000 | ¢ | 36,396.76 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
SPA170016115 | Won | Psp Parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 153,300 | ¢ | 131,329.32 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170014697 | Failed | - | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 2,000,000 | ¢ | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ||
SPA170016107 | Won | Psp Parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 139,000 | ¢ | 113,596.45 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | |
SPA170016090 | Failed | - | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 196,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
SPA170016085 | Won | Aversi-parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 87,000 | ¢ | 87,000 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA170016082 | Won | Psp Parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 124,000 | ¢ | 111,379.51 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA170016075 | Won | Aversi-parma | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 199,000 | ¢ | 199,000 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
SPA170016071 | Failed | - | 14.12.2017 | ¢ | 170,000 | ¢ | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | ||
GEO170000719 | In Progress | - | 13.12.2017 | ¢ | 499,300 | ¢ | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | ||
GEO170000708 | In Progress | - | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 25,226 | ¢ | 32400000 - Networks | ||
GEO170000707 | Failed | - | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
GEO170000706 | Failed | - | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 30,000 | ¢ | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | ||
NAT170014498 | Won | LTD Ensoli | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 5,000 | ¢ | 5,000 | 50500000 - Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery | |
NAT170014496 | Won | Jeobiti | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 15,000 | ¢ | 15,000 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | |
GEO170000705 | In Progress | - | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 1,000,000 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO170000704 | In Progress | - | 12.12.2017 | ¢ | 1,000,000 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO170000697 | In Progress | - | 11.12.2017 | ¢ | 27,061 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT170014132 | Won | LTD Soptmaster Servisi | 07.12.2017 | ¢ | 26,000 | ¢ | 25,620 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000683 | In Progress | - | 05.12.2017 | ¢ | 81,362 | ¢ | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment | ||
NAT170013949 | Won | Jeoneti | 05.12.2017 | ¢ | 9,500 | ¢ | 5,451 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170013943 | Won | LTD Geo Elevators | 05.12.2017 | ¢ | 6,300 | ¢ | 5,280 | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | |
NAT170013939 | Won | LTD Proservisi | 05.12.2017 | ¢ | 1,800 | ¢ | 1,452 | 72400000 - Internet services | |
NAT170013898 | Won | Prani | 04.12.2017 | ¢ | 4,200 | ¢ | 3,020 | 22400000 - Stamps, cheque forms, banknotes, stock certificates, trade advertising material, catalogues and manuals | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170013832 | Won | Ji Es Si | 04.12.2017 | ¢ | 6,000 | ¢ | 6,000 | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170013660 | Won | Borjomi Voters | 30.11.2017 | ¢ | 12,300 | ¢ | 11,700 | 41100000 - Natural water | |
GEO170000670 | In Progress | - | 28.11.2017 | ¢ | 12,744 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
NAT170013443 | Won | Aversis Klinika | 27.11.2017 | ¢ | 380,000 | ¢ | 348,500 | 85100000 - Health services | |
NAT170013441 | Won | Prani | 27.11.2017 | ¢ | 1,125 | ¢ | 925 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture | |
NAT170013373 | Won | Orient Lojik | 24.11.2017 | ¢ | 4,400 | ¢ | 4,400 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | |
NAT170013315 | Failed | - | 22.11.2017 | ¢ | 1,900,000 | ¢ | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ||
NAT170013268 | Won | LTD Dr.rodger Servis Menejmenti | 21.11.2017 | ¢ | 610,000 | ¢ | 584,413.49 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services | |
GEO170000664 | Failed | - | 21.11.2017 | ¢ | 27,061 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT170012980 | Won | Tamar Aleksidze | 10.11.2017 | ¢ | 52,400 | ¢ | 52,400 | 39200000 - Furnishing | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170012979 | Failed | - | 10.11.2017 | ¢ | 17,000 | ¢ | 79500000 - Office-support services | ||
NAT170012978 | Won | LTD Tbilisis Biznes Sakhli | 10.11.2017 | ¢ | 113,000 | ¢ | 113,000 | 79500000 - Office-support services | |
NAT170012962 | Failed | - | 10.11.2017 | ¢ | 1,800,000 | ¢ | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ||
NAT170012961 | Failed | - | 10.11.2017 | ¢ | 4,400 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT170012817 | Won | Ss Riskebis Martvisa Da Sadazghvevo Kompania Global Benepits Jorjia | 06.11.2017 | ¢ | 246,000 | ¢ | 196,801 | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ახალი დაფუძნებული კომპანია ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000634 | In Progress | - | 01.11.2017 | ¢ | 147,685 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
GEO170000633 | In Progress | - | 01.11.2017 | ¢ | 875,000 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
GEO170000632 | In Progress | - | 01.11.2017 | ¢ | 22,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
GEO170000630 | Failed | - | 30.10.2017 | ¢ | 23,504 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
NAT170012609 | Won | LTD Tivaidi | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 9,180 | ¢ | 6,727 | 42600000 - Machine tools | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170012608 | Won | ,,karpediemi" | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 27,000 | ¢ | 14,370 | 42100000 - Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170012606 | Won | LTD Modusi | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 33,000 | ¢ | 26,695 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items | |
NAT170012605 | Won | LTD Modusi | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 112,000 | ¢ | 110,880 | 44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170012603 | Failed | - | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 580,000 | ¢ | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services | ||
NAT170012601 | Failed | - | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 1,700,000 | ¢ | 66500000 - Insurance and pension services | ||
NAT170012586 | Won | LTD Bi-ji-ai Jgupi | 27.10.2017 | ¢ | 10,000 | ¢ | 9,000 | 44600000 - Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers | |
NAT170012428 | Failed | - | 23.10.2017 | ¢ | 580,000 | ¢ | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services | ||
NAT170012380 | Failed | - | 20.10.2017 | ¢ | 900 | ¢ | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | ||
GEO170000614 | In Progress | - | 20.10.2017 | ¢ | 976,862 | ¢ | 44300000 - Cable, wire and related products | ||
NAT170012295 | Won | Sezani | 18.10.2017 | ¢ | 15,460 | ¢ | 15,170 | 79800000 - Printing and related services | |
NAT170012107 | Won | LTD Pauer It | 12.10.2017 | ¢ | 35,000 | ¢ | 35,000 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე |
NAT170012090 | Won | LTD IMS GROUP | 12.10.2017 | ¢ | 139,798 | ¢ | 138,000 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
GEO170000594 | Failed | - | 11.10.2017 | ¢ | 22,000 | ¢ | 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations | ||
GEO170000590 | In Progress | - | 06.10.2017 | ¢ | 43,300 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
NAT170011873 | Failed | - | 05.10.2017 | ¢ | 41,900 | ¢ | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment | ||
GEO170000582 | In Progress | - | 04.10.2017 | ¢ | 1,858,975 | ¢ | 45100000 - Site preparation work | ||
GEO170000581 | In Progress | - | 04.10.2017 | ¢ | 843,200 | ¢ | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus | ||
GEO170000575 | In Progress | - | 03.10.2017 | ¢ | 163,389 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
NAT170011656 | Failed | - | 29.09.2017 | ¢ | 900 | ¢ | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps | ||
NAT170011652 | Failed | - | 29.09.2017 | ¢ | 73,000 | ¢ | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment | ||
GEO170000569 | In Progress | - | 28.09.2017 | ¢ | 9,618 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT170011111 | Won | Psp Parma | 15.09.2017 | ¢ | 19,900 | ¢ | 16,723 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | |
NAT170011110 | Won | Vestparm | 15.09.2017 | ¢ | 11,400 | ¢ | 9,990 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | |
NAT170011104 | Won | LTD Pj | 15.09.2017 | ¢ | 52,000 | ¢ | 50,305.68 | 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services | დამარცხებული კომპანიის შეთავაზებული ფასი ნაკლებია ტენდერში გამარჯვებული კომპმანიის საბოლოო ფასზე |
NAT170011094 | Won | LTD Ji-ti-es Jgupi | 15.09.2017 | ¢ | 24,500 | ¢ | 24,500 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170010996 | Failed | - | 13.09.2017 | ¢ | 49,000 | ¢ | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment | ||
NAT170010995 | Failed | - | 13.09.2017 | ¢ | 81,000 | ¢ | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment | ||
NAT170010992 | Won | LTD "teknohaus" | 13.09.2017 | ¢ | 2,800 | ¢ | 2,640 | 42900000 - Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery | |
NAT170010986 | Failed | - | 13.09.2017 | ¢ | 2,100 | ¢ | 39500000 - Textile articles | ||
GEO170000550 | Failed | - | 13.09.2017 | ¢ | 163,389 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
NAT170010753 | Won | Kavkasia Pliusi | 07.09.2017 | ¢ | 7,000 | ¢ | 7,000 | 33700000 - Personal care products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170010748 | Failed | - | 07.09.2017 | ¢ | 50,000 | ¢ | 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services | ||
NAT170010614 | Won | LTD Ji Es Ji Grupi | 05.09.2017 | ¢ | 42,000 | ¢ | 39,976.95 | 44600000 - Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers | |
GEO170000536 | In Progress | - | 05.09.2017 | ¢ | 15,800,000 | ¢ | 55500000 - Canteen and catering services | ||
NAT170010608 | Won | Tamar Aleksidze | 05.09.2017 | ¢ | 22,650 | ¢ | 22,650 | 39200000 - Furnishing | დაბალი კონკურენცია მიმწოდებელი კონკურენციის გარეშე დაბალი ფასთაკლება |
GEO170000530 | In Progress | - | 01.09.2017 | ¢ | 31,540 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO170000517 | In Progress | - | 24.08.2017 | ¢ | 250,000 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
GEO170000516 | In Progress | - | 24.08.2017 | ¢ | 200,000 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | ||
GEO170000515 | In Progress | - | 24.08.2017 | ¢ | 191,418 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT170009972 | Failed | - | 22.08.2017 | ¢ | 24,500 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT170009794 | Failed | - | 18.08.2017 | ¢ | 27,000 | ¢ | 39200000 - Furnishing | ||
GEO170000497 | In Progress | - | 17.08.2017 | ¢ | 114,196 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT170009381 | Won | Pi.em.ji | 10.08.2017 | ¢ | 7,140 | ¢ | 5,083 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170009356 | Won | LTD Ji-ti-es Jgupi | 09.08.2017 | ¢ | 32,300 | ¢ | 30,302 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170009354 | Failed | - | 09.08.2017 | ¢ | 24,500 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT170009147 | Failed | - | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 1,237 | ¢ | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs | ||
NAT170009134 | Won | Psp Parma | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 29,400 | ¢ | 28,665 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170009133 | Won | Psp Parma | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 24,800 | ¢ | 20,452.98 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | |
NAT170009129 | Won | Psp Parma | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 29,800 | ¢ | 21,304.44 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | მაღალი ფასთაკლება |
NAT170009128 | Won | Psp Parma | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 7,000 | ¢ | 6,999.36 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170009127 | Won | Aversi-parma | 04.08.2017 | ¢ | 8,300 | ¢ | 7,700 | 33600000 - Pharmaceutical products | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000478 | In Progress | - | 03.08.2017 | ¢ | 118,190 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO170000477 | In Progress | - | 03.08.2017 | ¢ | 81,224 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
GEO170000476 | Failed | - | 03.08.2017 | ¢ | 114,196 | ¢ | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work | ||
NAT170009063 | Failed | - | 03.08.2017 | ¢ | 590 | ¢ | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items | ||
NAT170009050 | Failed | - | 03.08.2017 | ¢ | 627 | ¢ | 38300000 - Measuring instruments | ||
NAT170008712 | Failed | - | 27.07.2017 | ¢ | 5,500 | ¢ | 41100000 - Natural water | ||
GEO170000470 | In Progress | - | 27.07.2017 | ¢ | 14,830 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
NAT170008705 | Won | Sezani | 27.07.2017 | ¢ | 53,700 | ¢ | 53,000 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
GEO170000453 | In Progress | - | 24.07.2017 | ¢ | 31,400 | ¢ | 32200000 - Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television | ||
GEO170000440 | Failed | - | 19.07.2017 | ¢ | 10,237 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
NAT170008263 | Won | Human Diagnostik Jorjia | 18.07.2017 | ¢ | 2,280 | ¢ | 2,088 | 33100000 - Medical equipments | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170008138 | Failed | - | 17.07.2017 | ¢ | 78,000 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work | ||
NAT170008126 | Won | Soptlain Sakartvelo | 17.07.2017 | ¢ | 44,000 | ¢ | 44,000 | 48700000 - Software package utilities | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170008116 | Failed | - | 17.07.2017 | ¢ | 590 | ¢ | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items | ||
NAT170008104 | Failed | - | 17.07.2017 | ¢ | 1,237 | ¢ | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs | ||
GEO170000431 | Failed | - | 13.07.2017 | ¢ | 19,725 | ¢ | 32200000 - Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television | ||
NAT170007824 | Failed | - | 11.07.2017 | ¢ | 1,968 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | ||
NAT170007821 | Won | LTD Medikal Saport End Teknoloji | 11.07.2017 | ¢ | 10,000 | ¢ | 8,000 | 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services | დაბალი კონკურენცია |
NAT170007816 | Failed | - | 11.07.2017 | ¢ | 56,800 | ¢ | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies | ||
NAT170007782 | Failed | - | 11.07.2017 | ¢ | 5,500 | ¢ | 41100000 - Natural water | ||
NAT170007778 | Failed | - | 11.07.2017 | ¢ | 159,000 | ¢ | 33100000 - Medical equipments | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა | |
NAT170007753 | Failed | - | 10.07.2017 | ¢ | 481,000 | ¢ | 18200000 - Outerwear | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა | |
NAT170007508 | Won | LTD Didgori | 05.07.2017 | ¢ | 31,600 | ¢ | 28,440 | 33700000 - Personal care products | |
NAT170007344 | Failed | - | 30.06.2017 | ¢ | 31,600 | ¢ | 33700000 - Personal care products | ||
NAT170007323 | Won | Marabda | 30.06.2017 | ¢ | 44,440 | ¢ | 41,000 | 39500000 - Textile articles | |
GEO170000395 | In Progress | - | 29.06.2017 | ¢ | 142,278 | ¢ | 45400000 - Building completion work |