Last Update: 10/12/2024
Procuring Entity: Tsageris Munitsipaliteti
Supplier: LTD Miniso Jorjia
Attached files:
Contract Value: ¢ 2,656.40 (28.02.2022)
Paid amount: ¢ 0.00 (0%)
Status: მიმდინარე ხელშეკრულება
Contract type: Simplified Procurement
Finance: ადგილობრივი თვითმართველი ერთეულის ბიუჯეტი - 2022 tslis sakhsrebi
Basis for using simplified procurement: Monetaruli zghvris datsvit
Date of contract 28.02.2022
The document is in force: 28.02.2022 - 03.04.2022
Fulfilment of the contract: Erttsliani
SMP ნომერი:
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code):

18400000 - Special clothing and accessories

33700000 - Personal care products

18900000 - Luggage, saddlery, sacks and bags

Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

33700000 - Personal care products

18900000 - Luggage, saddlery, sacks and bags

18443000 - Headgear and headgear accessories

33711640 - Vanity kits

33741200 - Hand or body lotions