Last Update: 11/10/2024
Contract Value: ¢ 4,950.00 (21.12.2015)
Paid amount: ¢ 4,950.00 (100%)
Status: შესრულებული ხელშეკრულება
Contract type: Simplified Procurement
Finance: ადგილობრივი თვითმართველი ერთეულის ბიუჯეტი -
Basis for using simplified procurement: Monetaruli zghvris datsvit
Date of contract 21.12.2015
The document is in force: 21.12.2015 - 31.01.2016
Fulfilment of the contract: Erttsliani
SMP ნომერი:
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code):

22400000 - Stamps, cheque forms, banknotes, stock certificates, trade advertising material, catalogues and manuals

44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items

22300000 - Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter

Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

22458000 - Bespoke printed matter

22457000 - Entrance cards

44423450 - Nameplates

22312000 - Pictures