Last Update: 20/02/2024
Estimated Value: ¢ 401,000
Risk Flags: High price dynamic Newly established company - 297 დღეზე ნაკლები პერიოდი Newly registered supplier - -4 დღეზე ნაკლები პერიოდი Supplier without competition Supplier dependent on a single buyer An offer made by a company that lost a tender is lower than the final offer (in contract) made by a company that won that tender
Tender Status: ხელშეკრულება დადებულია
Tender procedure: SPA - ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით
Tender Announcement Date: 08.01.2011
Bid Start Date 24.01.2011
Bid End Date: 29.01.2011
Tender Duration: 21 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): (15000000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

15811100 - Bread

15831000 - Sugar

15841000 - Cocoa

15851100 - Uncooked pasta

15863200 - Black tea

15872400 - Salt

15811400 - Crumpets

15872300 - Herbs


Name First Bid Last Bid
Leila Kachkachishvili ¢ 396,998 ¢ 392,998
Pudservisi ¢ 401,000 ¢ 319,900
Antaresi ¢ 401,000 ¢ 318,000
Kavkasus Investi ¢ 396,940 ¢ 300,777

Bidding Result

Organization: Antaresi
Contract Type: Agreement
Start Date: 19.04.2024
Expire Date: 19.04.2024
Contract Value: ¢ 0
Documantation: Download


Organization: Antaresi
Contract Type: Amendment
Start Date: 04.02.2011
Expire Date: 30.12.2011
Contract Value: ¢ 318,000 GEL
Documantation: Download