Last Update: 20/02/2024
Procuring Entity: Zugdidis Munitsipaliteti
Estimated Value: ¢ 99,997
Tender Status: შეწყვეტილია
Tender procedure: SPA - ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით
Tender Announcement Date: 20.03.2017
Bid Start Date 06.04.2017
Bid End Date: 11.04.2017
Tender Duration: 22 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work (45200000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

45233200 - Various surface works

45233251 - Resurfacing works

45233220 - Surface work for roads


Name First Bid Last Bid
LTD Gilani XXI ¢ 98,997 ¢ 96,999
Arkepekti ¢ 92,683 ¢ 92,683
Indiko ¢ 87,948 ¢ 87,948
Tavadi-I ¢ 94,441 ¢ 72,988
LTD Sekuoia ¢ 99,997 ¢ 72,987