Last Update: 20/02/2024
Procuring Entity: Sazogadoebrivi Koleji "aisi"
Estimated Value: ¢ 5,625
marine shishniashvili / 07.04.2016
Tender Status: არ შედგა
Tender procedure: SPA - გამარტივებული ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით
Tender Announcement Date: 07.04.2016
Bid Start Date 11.04.2016
Bid End Date: 13.04.2016
Tender Duration: 6 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items (44400000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

44400000 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items

44411300 - Washbasins

44411710 - Lavatory seats

44421300 - Safes

44411200 - Baths

44423220 - Folding steps

44481000 - Platforms ladders