Last Update: 20/02/2024
Estimated Value: ¢ 89,067
Risk Flags: Low Competition Advance payment Low price dynamic
Tender Status: ხელშეკრულება დადებულია
Tender procedure: SPA - ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით
Tender Announcement Date: 10.12.2019
Bid Start Date 16.12.2019
Bid End Date: 18.12.2019
Tender Duration: 8 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Computer equipment and supplies (30200000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

30233132 - Hard-disk drives

30234600 - Flash memory

30237410 - Computer mouse

30237460 - Computer keyboards

30231310 - Flat panel displays

30237000 - Parts, accessories and supplies for computers

30237140 - Motherboards

30213300 - Desktop computer

30216100 - Optical readers

30213100 - Portable computers

30237280 - Power supply accessories

30232100 - Printers and plotters

30236110 - Random access memory (RAM)

30232000 - Peripheral equipment

30237100 - Parts of computers

30234200 - Optical disks

30237220 - Mousepads

30211500 - Central processing unit (CPU) or processors

30237320 - Diskettes

30231200 - Consoles


Name First Bid Last Bid
LTD Ada ¢ 88,152 ¢ 88,152

Bidding Result

Organization: LTD Ada
Contract Type: Agreement
Start Date: 24.12.2019
Expire Date: 15.03.2020
Contract Value: ¢ 88,152
Documantation: Download