Last Update: 20/01/2025
Estimated Value: ¢ 20,127,785
Risk Flags: High price dynamic Low Competition Experience requirement Disqualification - 1 დისკვალიფიცირება Advance payment
შესყიდვის საგანი: ქალაქ თეთრიწყაროს წყალმომარაგების სისტემის რეაბილიტაციის პროექტირება - მშენებლობის სამუშაოების შესყიდვა. Procurement Type: Electronic Tender without Auction (NAT) Statement Number: N/A Procurement Status: Draft Statement Procuring Entity: United Water Supply Company of Georgia, LLC Procurement Announcement Date Bids accepted from: 19.11.2020 00:00 Deadline for bid submission: 24.11.2020 12:00 Financing: 2020 Funds Procurement Estimated Value: 20`127`785.00 GEL Bid shall be submitted including VAT Classifier (CPV) Code and Classifier’s Code Name • 45200000 – whole or partial construction works and civil works Classifier (CPV) Code and Specific Procurement Object • 45232150 – works related to water distribution pipelines; Amount or Volume of Procurement: As per bidding documents Supply Period: As per bidding documents Bid Reduction Step: 201`278.00 GEL Guarantee Amount: 201`278 GEL Guarantee Validity Period: 160 days Additional Information Procurement of Design and Civil Works for Rehabilitation of Tetritskaro City’s Water Supply System Financing 100% own incomes
Tender Status: ხელშეკრულება დადებულია
Tender procedure: NAT - ელექტრონული ტენდერი აუქციონის გარეშე
Tender Announcement Date: 23.10.2020
Bid Start Date 19.11.2020
Bid End Date: 24.11.2020
Tender Duration: 32 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work (45200000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

45232150 - Works related to water-distribution pipelines


Name First Bid Last Bid
LTD Peri ¢ 18,795,630 ¢ 18,795,630
Metot Konstrakshen Inshaat Taahhut AnonSole Proprietor Shirketis Piliali Sakartveloshi ¢ 17,922,784 ¢ 17,922,784
Ghia Saaktsio Sazogadoeba "samsheneblo-samretsvelo Sainvestitsio Korporatsia Akkordi" ¢ 17,798,000 ¢ 17,798,000
In-si ¢ 16,304,060 ¢ 16,304,060
Ertoblivi Sakmianobis Amkhanagoba "jeitun Sakartvelos Piliali Da LTD Saba" ¢ 16,102,228 ¢ 15,899,997
Komportmshen XXI ¢ 17,585,068 ¢ 14,881,000
Bilding-developer ¢ 16,102,229 ¢ 13,888,171

Bidding Result

Organization: Komportmshen XXI
Contract Type: Agreement
Start Date: 31.12.2020
Expire Date: 30.11.2023
Contract Value: ¢ 14,881,000
Documantation: Download


Organization: Komportmshen XXI
Contract Type: Amendment
Start Date: 31.12.2020
Expire Date: 30.11.2023
Contract Value: ¢ 14,881,000 GEL
Documantation: Download